Mac OSx packages an old version of collabnet subversion (1.4.x). And that doesn't play nice with subclipse. The fix suggested there is to use an old version because:
For Windows users, it is a simple matter of installing the new Subversion 1.5 client and making sure JavaHL is on the path. For Unix users, this workaround obviously defeats the purpose of having a distro with package management and requires manual installation of the libraries in the correct locations.
If you truly understand that and it is a blocking concern for you (notice the hint of sarcasm), don't read on. There is however a very simple solution to run the right version and just make it work.
- Download and install
- sudo rm /usr/bin/svn* (you might want to check if you haven't got any other programs named svn* before you do this)
Once this is done you're good to go, and with the latest versions.
Update: I've moved on to do this with MacPorts, lately their svn versions are fine, and the installation is much simpler.